A Christian congregation called Shepherd King Lutheran Church.
Traditional Worship Service with Holy Communion, Sunday at 10:30 AM.
Sunday School for ages 4 and above is 10:20 AM Sunday from Sept. through June.
Adult Bible Study Wednesday at 10:00 AM from September through June.
Youth: Bible studies, fun events, and confirmation classes as scheduled.
Other Opportunities: Various ministries and groups meet on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.
Our church is fully wheelchair accessible.
Shepherd King is a community of faith, a congregation of the Church, a family and a communion of the baptized. At the centre of our communion is the life and spirit of Jesus Christ who lives among us to bring to fulfillment God’s hopes and promises for the world.
It is at the very heart of this family, and it is our duty and delight that we gather together as God’s people every Sunday to offer up a sincere worship of God and to gladly hear what the Word of God has for our lives.
As we partake of the Word, we grow in faith and knowledge of God’s saving compassion and love. We become more aware of our failings and weaknesses, of the reality of evil and of our own need to offer true love and care to God and to those around us.
Through forgiveness and faith, Jesus Christ comes to live among us in the Church and in the world. By the power of God’s grace, we become an ongoing community of justice, mercy, reconciliation, and peace.
As we live in this community, we come to have a greater awareness of God’s saving purpose and care for the world and how we in our own lives are called to have a part in this. Likewise, as we enter into this care for the world, we come to a greater appreciation of the family of which we are a part.
The Christian church was born out of the life and ministry of Jesus who brought God’s message of reconciliation and peace to the world. As a Christian congregation, Shepherd King tries to live out this ministry, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ through Word and Sacrament and through the offering of Service in Christ’s name. The mission of our congregation is to:
Sunday worship is at the heart and center of our life in Christ. It is liturgical in that it follows an order handed down and adapted by Christians through many centuries. It requires a dialogue between the ministers and congregation, and we are all asked to take part. The word “liturgy,” from the ancient Greek, means “the work of the people.” It is not a performance provided for the congregation, but is the corporate response of the congregation to God.
…Strength and beauty are in God’s sanctuary.
We make use of symbols to focus our attention, to enter more deeply into the reality of God and to remind us of different aspects of our Christian faith. The cross is the major symbol of Christianity and reminds us of Christ’s sacrificial death for us. The cross on the wall of our chancel establishes the altar as the focal point of our church and the centre of worship.
The use of light from candles symbolizes God’s presence in the world. The Paschal Candle represents Jesus Christ. It stands near the baptismal font for most of the year and near the altar during the Easter season. The hanging red light in the sanctuary is known as the eternal light and signifies God’s presence.
The traditional garments of the presiding minister and assistants are called vestments. These garments have their origin in the early church and remind us of the white robes of the saints in the kingdom of God, washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. The color of the Pastor’s stole and chasuble as well as other church paraments are changed according to the seasons of the church year.
We use sacred vessels in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper and in Holy Baptism. These include the chalice, flagon and paten used in Communion and the pitcher, basin and shell used in Baptism. They are made of lasting and dignified materials for the service of God.
Music plays an important role in Lutheran worship. Worship services usually include a gathering hymn, a hymn of the day, communion hymns and a sending hymn. Music and singing help us to express our love and thanks to God.
Shepherd King Lutheran Church has been serving this area of Calgary since 1959. It was founded as a mission congregation of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. Originally, members met and worshipped in the Kingsland School. A year later, the present church building was completed and dedicated. In 1985, Shepherd King joined the newly formed Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. In August of 2012, Shepherd King joined the North American Lutheran Church.
Many renovations and additions have been made to the original structure. In 1997, a large addition was built on the west end, which increased the size of the narthex. A lift was also installed which provides handicapped access to all three levels of the building.
Over the years, many members have moved to other locations in Calgary, yet continue to call Shepherd King their home.
Shepherd King is a congregation of the Lutheran Church; a teaching, and reforming tradition, which arose out of the Western Catholic Church in the 16th century in Germany. At the centre of this movement was Dr. Martin Luther, a German monk and scholar who was teaching at the University of Wittenburg. Dr. Luther’s main goal was to establish the priority and centrality of the Gospel in the life of the Church and in the life of the local congregation.
To this end, he translated the scriptures into the language of the people. He established congregational singing of hymns, brought forward the catechism, and reformed the liturgy and worship of the church that it might more effectively proclaim the Gospel through the Word and Sacrament. A great theologian, Luther is still a major influence today. He is best remembered for his theology of the cross, his commitment to the freedom of the human conscience, and his concern that there be a proper separation of church and state.
The Lutheran church is now found throughout the world. It has remained a catholic, apostolic, evangelical and reforming movement. Shepherd King is a congregation of the North American Lutheran Church.
According to our constitution, the whole congregation is responsible for the governance of the church. This responsibility is normally exercised through participation in general meetings held at least twice annually. Voting members are defined in the constitution as members who have reached their eighteenth birthday and have signed the Voting Membership Roster.
The Church Council is delegated responsibility for administration of the day-to-day business and finances. The spiritual life of the congregation is the responsibility of the Pastor(s). Council Members serve two-year terms. All voting members in good standing are eligible to serve on Council.
Church Council consists of:
An Executive, elected in odd numbered years, consists of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Five members-at-large are elected in even numbered years. They are assigned to the following responsibilities:
Christian Growth, Property, Stewardship, Member Care, Outreach, Worship and Youth
The Pastor and President are ex-officio members of all Council committees.
Any member of the congregation wishing to bring business before the Church Council may do so by speaking with the Pastor or any member of the Council.
There are many opportunities for members of Shepherd King to serve and to become involved in the life of their congregation:
Greeters, Ushers, Acolytes, Altar Guild, Readers,
Communion Assistants, Assisting Ministers, Choir
Shepherd King Ladies, Bible Study,Youth Group
Sunday School Teachers, Bible Study Leaders
Christian Growth/Youth
Member Care/Outreach
Mutual Ministry
and other committees as needed
The Shepherd King logo incorporates a shepherd’s staff and a crown as reminders of the name of our congregation. A cross is formed by adding a fish hook to remind us of Christ’s call to his disciples, to go out and “fish for people”, to become his followers.
Shepherd King is a home for our congregational family and a place for important occasions like baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Contact the Pastor for dates and help with planning these special and meaningful services.